30 Sep

Going to college for the first time can be quite the challenge. There are so many things to experience that honestly no one can prepare you for.

Here are a few things I learned from my personal experience that will hopefully help you adjust a little bit easier during your first few months of college.

  • Stress

You probably have in mind that college equals stress. Of course, in many cases it could be something you haven’t really experienced so far. You will literally be showered with responsibilities and you will have to do way more assignments and exams than you anticipated. High school was a lot easier and the amount of work you will have to do is not only a lot more but also a lot more difficult. It will all be worth it once you manage to get it all under control though.

  • Friendships

Many people say that the friendships you make during the first few days of college are the ones that probably won’t last. At first you will be in of friends and someone to hang out with but after some time you might come to realize that you don’t really have all that much in common with the people you hang out with. That’s totally normal and it will help you understand a lot about yourself and the people you choose to keep in your life.

  • Freedom

One of the first few things that will hit you like a brick is the amount of freedom you will have. You might have been looking forward to being by yourself for quite a while but in all honesty you are not prepared for it. While it’s fun to be on your own, you will soon realize that you have to take care of yourself all by yourself and that my friends is no easy task.

  • Food choices

One of the most important things to take care of is your food choices. Most freshmen usually end up just eating junk food for breakfast lunch and dinner but this truly isn’t the best option. You will want to feed your body well in order to feel good and to excel at your studies. Image is very important to many college students so feeling and looking your best will soon be one of your top priorities and feeding yourself well is the best way to achieve it.

  • Professors

When we’re still in high school, many of us tend to believe that college professors will be these amazing people who know everything and are there to help us with everything we need. While there can be some people who are like that, many others will simply be impossible to build a relationship with. You will most likely have to go out of your way to build a relationship with them and that is kind of important in most cases as you will need their good references for your resume in the future.

The only way to learn is by doing

Just like with everything else, the best way to know what’s what in college is to experience it. The most important thing here is to keep your mind focused on your goals and to make sure that you enjoy this experience as much as possible.

College years only last for a while and sadly don’t come back. Make the best out of your college experience and try to keep an open mind about everything that you come across so you will earn as much life experience as possible.

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